
Showing posts from June, 2021


  This story is written by: Tom King, with visuals from: Bilquis Evely and Matheus Lopes. After being burned by the latter portion of his Batman run and the cluster that was Heroes in Crisis, I have pretty much made a point of avoiding everything to do with Tom King, no matter how much acclaim any one series seems to be getting at the time. I just could not bring myself to go through any potential disappointment from him once again, in much the same way that I have struggled with certain Joshua Williamson works, and even Hickman’s X-Men run. However, I simply just could not pass up the opportunity to pick up this title, to see what King could do with the iconic Supergirl character, with hopes that it would be more Vision than Batman, and the fact that it is only an eight issue series doesn’t hurt too much either to be honest. Although I am often quick to criticise any series following the first issue, I am here to hesitantly say that this was a very solid start, restoring a little b