
Showing posts from January, 2021


This title was written by Larry Hama, with pencils by Dave Wachter. First Issue Cover by Billy Tan Following on from the confusing mess that was “Future State: Nightwing”, I feel that I should be allowed to be forgiven for not really having particularly high hopes for the rest of this week’s releases. Well, all that I can really say to that is just thank the goddamn lord for Larry Hama and Dave Wachter, because they have crafted an exemplary tale that exceeded all of my expectations, considering that while I have enjoyed Iron Fist in the past, I have also somewhat struggled to get into certain series featuring the iconic character. Quite honestly, the way that Hama and the team went about crafting this tale was possibly the bet method that they could have utilised. While I would not say that it quite meets the criteria to be considered “new reader friendly”, which is such a desire these days, I still feel that the book does an excellent job of introducing all of the main players tha