
Showing posts from February, 2021

CAPTAIN MARVEL #26 - The Brave New World Ends.

  This story was written by Kelly Thompson, with artwork from Lee Garbett   Marvel Unlimited is truly a wonderful service, aside from the random gaps in series, or otherwise just completely absent runs. Due to a shortage of the usual offerings that would populate my pull list, which you can thank DC’s “Future State” for mostly, I made the decision to delve back into the world of Kelly Thompson’s “Captain Marvel” run, in preparation for the ending of the “Brave New World” story arc that has been ongoing for the last few months. I have to say that, despite the usual criticisms that some unhelpful people have, this entire run has been utterly stellar from start to finish, with Thompson at her absolute best, with some awesome visuals from the likes of Carmen Carnero and Lee Garbett. Somehow, Kelly Thompson is just able to make me care about a group of characters that I usually couldn’t give two hoots about, with all of them being fleshed out perfectly, while having a believable and under

KING IN BLACK #4 - The God of Light

Written by Donny Cates, with art by Ryan Stegman   In the introduction for the review of the previous instalment for this event, I stated that I hadn’t been sure as to whether I had liked it or not. Never fear, this time around it is a much more definitive answer, with that being a resounding “God no!”, as this was likely the weakest instalment of the whole thing so far, and considering that this is the penultimate chapter, that is not a good sign at all. That being said, when looking through each of my reviews for this event, it is quite clear that the quality of the book has declined with every subsequent release, so I guess it is not really too much of a surprise that this one was not at all great. To begin with, I will talk about the biggest, most glaring problem within this entire story: the fact that nothing really happened. I could definitely understand if Donny Cates were going for a more relaxed vibe for this instalment, in preparation for the massive climax that will be