Mr. Oz Finally Revealed!! (Action Comics #987)


It's been over a year now, but the identity of Mr Oz in DC Rebirth has now been revealed.

He has been working away in the background of the DC Rebirth landscape since it began in the middle of last year, taking key figures such as Doomsday and Tim Drake. His only full on interactions were in the pages of Superman and Action Comics.

Rumours circulated for months on who this mystery figure could possibly be: Was it Ozymandias from the Watchmen universe? This could have made sense, due to Doctor Manhattan's seeming involvement in the overarching events of Rebirth. Was it Superboy Prime? Was it pre-New 52 Lex Luthor? Was it Mister Mxyzptlk again?

It turns out that it was none of these characters, but it was a much more intriguing option. It took the majority of the issue, but only a few lines gave a hint as to who this figure really was. He kept referring to to everybody as "humans", and at the end he says "Had I only known what a cesspool this place is, I'd have sent you somewhere better. This line immediately told me who Mr Oz is ... Jor-El, the father of Superman, who had been thought dead along with the rest of Krypton.

This entire issue absolutely blew my mind. Dan Jurgens is killing it with his writing at the moment, and Viktor Bogdanovic's art is brilliant. 

I have to give this issue a 9/10 rating.


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