Secret Empire #9 Review - Remember When This Was The Finale

Ah, Marvel crossover events. Those things that they tell us are going to be a set length, with a bunch of pointless tie-ins that add nothing to the experience. You feel safe in the notion that it will all be over after those issues are done, only to be told halfway through that an extra issue has been added.

That's the feeling I have with Secret Empire #9. There's absolutely no earthly reason why this couldn't have been the finale of the event, but for some reason we needed all of this filler, where the Underground is searching for fragments of the Cosmic Cube, and with 'Steve Rogers' in the forest for so many issues.

It was revealed in this issue that this version of Steve Rogers was the memory of how Kobik knew him before she transformed him into an agent of Hydra, which was a twist that could be telegraphed from a mile away.

I'm also still confused about who the narrator of this story is.

For this issue's content, I'll give it a 6/10

(For the extra issue that I now have to read, it gets a 2/10 rating)


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