Me and Comic Books - My Comic Writing Approach

When I decide to write a new story for a comic book, I will usually spend a small amount of time deciding what the main character is like, and the other characters will come much later. I tend to type out a few short pieces that detail the origin of this particular character, making sure that I get their history down before even attempting to place them in to a full on story.

After I have decided on who they are as a person, that is when I begin to write up the main story. The usual word count of my stories is between 1500 and 2000 words, as I feel that this is long enough to tell a cohesive story that also has enough development of certain characters.

After the story itself has been written, this is when I will begin to adapt it in to a script format. My approach to scripting my comics is to take it a few pages at a time, roughly 5 or 6 in a single session, and when the artist, in my case it is my sister, receives the scripted pages, this method makes the turnaround slightly faster, as they do not have to work on loads of pages at once, and can focus on the given pages.


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